Makeover in the Music Room

Caption: The inside view of the music room’s entrance provides a look at the new paint color blinds with the door and plugs, and where they seamlessly meet the new vinyl floor binds with the wall. The door also has a sticker for Elementary’s reading contest theme: safari.[by Francisco Morales]

by Francisco Morales (Warrior Post Reporter / São Paulo, Brazil)

During the month of August, PACA’s operations and maintenance staff worked on replacing the floor of the music room, in response to the surge of ruptures on the former ceramic tiles of the floor, along with changing the color of the room’s walls. Not only does the room now have a new look, but it also provides an improved acoustic atmosphere for Music and Drama students.  

Throughout August 16 to August 22 of this year, the school’s maintenance team, led by Alexandre Silva, removed the former ceramic floor of the room, leveled the floor with mortar, and painted the walls, while the floor installation was conducted by an outsourced service. 

As Silva, who has worked at PACA for over 20 years, recalls, the floor had been previously changed three years ago, when the former, original tiles of the room had undergone ruptures and were replaced by the bigger, 60×60 centimeter porcelain tiles that were removed recently. The cause of the ruptures was the same then as it is now: drastic and rapid temperature changes, which stress the tiles to a breaking point. 

The new floor brings technical benefits to the acoustic performance of the room. As Silva points, the vinyl floor helps absorb sound and remove echo from within the room, In fact, vinyl flooring is among the recommended coverings to improve acoustic comfort, since they decrease sound reverberation and help isolate the sounds emitted inside the room from other floors of the school’s building, to the comfort of the teacher’s lounge beneath. 

Completed for about a month now, the makeover has also catched the eye of students who use the room for Drama and Music class. Leonardo Pedrozo, senior student who will protagonize HS Drama’s upcoming “Beauty and the Beast”, sees a “combination of a modern and clean aspect to the room”, as well as a good contrast between the walls and the floor which, with time, students will get used to.  

First quarter is already coming to an end, but it leaves PACA with a renovated music room which brings technical and aesthetic improvements to the music room. Along with the various reforms happening throughout campus, students and teachers can be more confident and comfortable that these improvements will aid in teaching, learning, and enjoyment of the school in the years to come.