PACA brings Jiu Jitsu to the Little Warriors

Caption: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Graphic [By StairheadStore]

by Melissa Fernandes (Warrior Post Reporter / São Paulo, Brazil)

PACA brought the sport of Jiu Jitsu to the elementary students with kindergarten classes on Mondays and classes on Wednesdays for the upper elementary students in order to  provide a new and different activity for physical fitness to the community. 

Under the leadership and guidance of Renato Sousa and Cláudia Sousa, the classes work in a dynamic, simple and fun way in order to teach the students the fundamentals of traditional jiu jitsu.

The students begin the meeting on the mat with the teachers and have a conversation about the goals for the class while going over the concepts of Jiu Jitsu.  This is followed by a demonstration from Mr. and Mrs. Sousa about the stroke to be taught. Then the children are separated into pairs of boys and pairs of girls and they work together to complete what was assigned to them.

The elementary students currently involved are not participating in any jiu jitsu competitions because they started at level 1; which is the beginner level in Jiu Jitsu.

According to Mr. Sousa, competition is not the main objective of the classes. 

“Jiu jitsu is part of a child’s training, not just physically,” said Sousa. “Jiu Jitsu works on children’s character and mental health as well.”

Sousa highlighted the objective of the classes by saying, “Most importantly, before classes we sit together and have conversations about the principles of jiu jitsu, and why children should learn basic defense, and of course we also talk about Jesus.”

Two fifth grade students, Elis Hirakawa and Seth Meier, talked about their goals in class. 

“For me, the most important thing is knowing how to develop my self-defense,” said Hirakawa “I think it’s important for girls.” 

For Meier, the goal is personal.  

“I like the idea of ​​knowing how to defend myself,” said Meier.

In the process of classes, they highlighted how they learned about respect and what they like about classes.

“I discovered that, in Jiu Jitsu, respect seems to be greater,” said Hirakawa. “We learned a lot about it, because we have the reference of Mr. and Mrs. Sousa. 

“I think it’s really cool how our coaches get people at the same level to work together.”said Hirakawa. 

Meier appreciates the style of coaching in Jiu Jitsu class. 

He liked “how coaches teach us about having respect and respecting all other fighters. Our class is like a community. Everyone helps each other.”