Horned frog for a day: TCU´s visit at PACA

Caption: This week, TCU visited high school students and introduced them to a day in a life for a TCU student. [By Cristina Meier, Ph.D.]

by Liam Schimenes

As high school students at PACA (Pan American Christian Academy) approach graduation, many colleges extend the offer of sending a representative to provide presentations and explanations of the application process. When Texas Christian University (TCU) visited PACA on August 21, the presentation was quick and included several interactive activities.

As students responded correctly, they received college merchandise as prizes, such as pins, writing pens and play cards.

Even freshmen students at PACA could find value in attending these college visits. 

“Although they probably present an idealized version of the college, I think it is important that colleges offer these kinds of visits,” says Emily Jung, a grade nine student at PACA. “It’s giving important information to students’ future choices.”

This information included application requirements, retention rates at the school and financial aid availability for students who are in need. 

“It creates opportunities for high school students to get to know colleges better,” said Manuela Medeiros, who is also a freshmen at PACA.

This visit is the second college visit that Mrs. Swisher scheduled for this school year.  The first visit was from Hult International School of Business from Massachusetts. 

Two more visits took place this past week with Dallas Baptist University visiting on Thursday, August 29, during 7th period and Bentley University visiting on Friday, August 30 during third period.